In this article you will learn, why you receive the error notification "Bestellungen im CSV-Format fehlgeschlagen", what this notification means and how you can solve this issue.
To import orders from your Avocadostore account, you can upload them via CSV import into your Hello Pine account. To do this, manually export all orders from a freely definable period or set up a regular automatic export of orders with unshipped items.
In the Avocadostore you will find this under "Importe & Exporte" -> "Bestelldaten" and then click on "Automatischer Export einrichten". You will now see different steps that need to be completed. Now we also come to the error message, which results from the fault of choosing the wrong CSV-format for the export.
You have to choose the format "CSV-Format (alte Version bis 03/2024)".
After you have done that correctly, the error message shouldn't occur anymore.
You're all set!