How to activate Avocadostore product import

Here you will learn how to activate product import in Avocadostore settings.


Screenshot 2023-12-06 at 18.27.54

If you can see that point in the menu, you are all set.

If you can not see the blue boxed menu point, you will have to activate the product import feature.

To do so, please send a short e-mail to the Avocadostore support team,, and ask them to activate the feature. This should happen within a business day or two.

Here is an e-mail template:


Liebe Avocadostore Händlerbetreuung,

Wir möchten gerne den Produktimport nutzen. Könnt ihr uns bitte für den csv Produktimport freischalten?

Vielen Dank und Grüße



Without this feature, you will have to manually maintain SKUs to update stocks, prices, and orders automatically.