How to create an EAN field in WooCommerce and map it to Hello-Pine

In this article, you will find a step-by-step guide on how to correctly create and configure EAN fields in WooCommerce and afterwards map them to our Hello-Pine App.

1. In WooCommerce, navigate to "Produkte" (products), then go to "Eigenschaften" (attributes). Here, you need to click on "Neue Eigenschaften hinzufügen" (add new attributes).


2. Once you have added the EAN's as attributes, you can directly assign them to the product attributes in WooCommerce.


3. After creating the EANs in WooCommerce, it is crucial to map this information to our "GTIN Meta Field," which can be found under the "Shop" menu. To correctly implement the new changes, click "Sync Products".

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Now everything is ready!

Here is another Link to a related article from our Help Desk regarding EANs.