How to transfer returns to Avocadostore

Here you will learn how to get order information of returns back to Avocadostore.

Unfortunately, the Avocadostore does not allow returns to be transferred directly and automatically. But you can process the returns as normal in Shopify, so you're doing everything as usual. As we cannot transfer the returns data directly to the Avocadostore, we have a list of the returns you processed in the Shopify store. You can download this in our App and upload it to the Avocadostore so that you don't have to process every return manually in their backend. Depending on the volume of returns, once a week to every 2-3 days is sufficient.

The List can be found here:

Screenshot 2023-12-21 at 10.07.16

You would then have to upload the list under Imports & Exports under Returns. Now you are all set!