Here you find information about the order numbers that appear in Shopify.
Pine doesn't generate Order numbers but retrieves them from your shop system. So if the order number is not continues you will have to check in your shop system. However, there is no need to panic. Find more information in the following:
"You can also maintain the character of consecutive numbering, for example, if you prefix it with a date code or include a product code or the customer number of your customer. For subsequent invoices in particular, consecutive simply means that you can recognize the order in which the invoices were issued."
You can also find more information here:
"Den Charakter der fortlaufenden Nummerierung können Sie beispielsweise auch aufrechterhalten, wenn Sie einen Datums-Code voranstellen oder eine Produktcodierung oder die Kundennummer Ihres:Ihrer Kund:in einflechten. Fortlaufend heißt besonders bei Folgerechnungen lediglich, dass zu erkennen ist, in welcher Reihenfolge die Rechnungen ausgestellt wurden."
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