Which prices will be synced - Avocadostore

Here you will learn, which prices we forward to Avocadostore and which settings are available for that.

By default, we transmit prices exactly as they appear in the shop, every 15 minutes along with inventory levels (referred to as "Offer Import" in Avocadostore Terms). This ensures that the prices remain in sync, as intended.


If users make changes to prices in the Avocadostore, those changes will be overwritten.


We have a setting to adjust this:


Navigate to Channels -> Avocadostore -> Settings Tab

(1) Default Prices (set by default) - Sale Prices are transferred as well

(2) No Sale Prices - Only standard prices are transmitted (no sale prices).

(3) Don't Sync Prices - Prices are not transmitted (and can be set manually in Avocadostore).


Please note that changes take 30 minutes to reflect in Avocadostore because the lists are generated a few minutes before retrieval.

We recommend waiting for 30 minutes before manually setting prices in Avocadostore to prevent them from being overwritten.