Why are products set to inactive in the Otto store?

In this article, we explain the reasons why products are set to "inactive" status.

If the products become inactive, the status can be seen in Hello Pine under the "Channels" menu. Select the respective store (in this case, the Otto store), then click on "Products". You can now search for the products in the categories or using the search bar:


Possible reasons include:

1. Products are deactivated when they are either archived or set to draft mode in Shopify.

2. Products are deactivated when they are removed from the collections selected in our Sync Settings (this does not apply if no collection is selected).

3.  Products are deactivated when the corresponding collection is "deselected" in our system and the product is subsequently updated (or resynced).


How to reactivate the products:

Products can be manually reactivated in Otto. In Avocadostore, activation and deactivation can only be done through the Avocadostore backend, as Avocadostore does not provide an interface for this.

In the case of points 2 and 3, it is important to activate the collection both on Otto and in the Hello Pine App. To activate this in the Hello Pine App, you need to go to the "Shop" tab and then to "Product Sync Settings." There, you can activate the respective collections in the Hello Pine App by selecting the appropriate boxes: